The Digital Village

"Raumschiff Titanic" enters Beta test phase
date: 26 Feb 1999

By Jason Williams

Localisation Team, TDV

At last the pixel mills lie quiescent, the audio processors are purring contentedly, and Douglas Adams has been cornered between travels to wave his arms at our new German audience. Out in the bye-ways of Covent Garden, our dedicated translation team has been whisking unsuspecting German students and tourists off the street to aid in the Beta test campaign.

Meanwhile, in the basement, our cryptographic experts have at last discovered the means to disarm the German version of the Bomb. The final pieces fall into place.

Work continues apace on the German dialogue engine, with the Bots becoming more chatty with each passing day - we fully expect them to be more conversational and better informed than their English counterparts.

Apart from a few licks of paint and a good solid bit of testing, Raumschiff Titanic is almost ready to sail.


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